Mas Recursos (More Resources)

Hey there! Are you looking for other ways to connect with other movements or mediums surrounding Afro-Latinx and Native LGBTQ+ populations? Here are some:

Instagram Accounts:  

@wearemitu- a platform for celebrating diversity within the Latin American community, discussing issues of LGBTQ+ Latinx movements, machismo, gender norms, etc. They also have a YouTube channel and merchandise to buy! 
@afrolatinas_, @aintilatina, and @hashtagiamenough- accounts that highlight Black women of Latin descent by sharing narratives of self love 
@latinxproject- a community organization that works to unite Latinx people around the world and @shoplatinx- a website for products made by indie Latinx brands 
@grl_trbl- a website to buy pins, posters, and apparel that support feminist, liberal, LGBTQ+ movements   

Social Movements: 

Voy a Favor- an awareness campaign for Afro-Latinx people in Dominican Republic
Zapatista Movement- Mexican movement that supports indigenous women by challenging traditional gender roles 
National Organization of Andean and Amazonian Women (ONAMIAP) 
Latin American Coordination of Cinema and Communication of Indigenous Peoples 
News Agency of Indigenous and Afro-Descendent Women (NOTIMIA) 
Regional Articulation of Afro-Descendants in Latin America and Caribbean (ARAAC) 

Websites/Books: - for a brief summary of attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community in Latin America, specified by country
Decolonizing Indigenous Sexualities: Between Erasure and Resurgence - 
-The Oxford Handbook of Global LGBT and Sexual Diversity Politics 
-Must Identity Movements Self-Destruct? A Queer Dilemma 
-A book on the history of the construction of race and ethnicity in Latin America, focusing on black and indigenious populations:


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